I love Clothing.
When I was 5 years old in Boy’s day of Japanese custom, I had Boy’s Suite.
I found the enjoying to dress up at that time. Since then, I choose my clothing by myself.
When I visited India as 54 years old, I met the very beautiful hand woven fabric.
It was very soft feeling and with amazing texture. I felt that the artisans of the fabric spent a lot of time making this products and this is a human act that we are forgetting these days. I am absolutely enthralled by the hand woven fabric. I found myself; I was in West Bengal in India.
I have been visiting the small village, which is 5 hours drive from Calcutta, for making my original fabric.
There I met the artisan director and afterwards I found the clothing factory in New Delhi which always supported me as a beginner in making cloths.
I could design my own shirts and I established my own fashion brand “PERIOD FEATURES“ which represents my life.
Here I'm proposing my spring/summer 2015 collection.
"PERIOD FEATURES" is focus to the shirts products with hand craft of India. India which is production place is subtropical zone. It is the reason why there are a lot of suitable fabrics for subtropical zone.
Therefore, we provide the products in only Spring & Summer collection.
村を回って集めた生地は、3年間の試行錯誤の中でシャツへと変貌しシャツブランドPERIOD FEATURESが誕生した。
そして、イタリアのフィレンツェで行われた Pitti 2015 SPRING and SUMMERがデビューとなった。
PERIOD FEATURESにはデジタル化していく現代に、失われつつある手仕事を生かし時代の記憶にとどめるという願いが込められています。